El Departamento de Supercómputo les extiende la más cordial invitación para
que nos acompañe a la charla que impartirá la empresa Visual Numerics Inc. con
respecto a sus productos de software científico y de visualización.
La cita es el miércoles 21 de marzo a las 12hrs., en el Auditorio de la
Dirección General de Servicios de Cómputo Académico (DGSCA), ubicada en el
Circuito Exterior s/n frente a la Facultad de contaduría y Administración en
Agrademos su atención,
Departamento de Supercómputo.
Visual Numerics’ Products and the Benefits of a Campus Wide Program with UNAM
Visual Numerics, the developers of PV-WAVE, IMSL, and JMSL, will be coming to
Mexico March 21 to give an educational presentation to UNAM educators and
researchers. The mid day (12:00- 2:00PM) presentation will focus on the
products and offerings available to UNAM via a proposed campus wide site
license. Included in the presentation will be
- Overview of Visual Numerics, Inc.,
- UNAM / Visual Numerics History,
- Product Overview and Examples in Academia,
- Education Programs, and
- Product demonstrations
This is a technical presentation which should provide you with informational
benefits of utilizing a campus license. Both Visual Numerics and UNAM are
interested in increasing the user base of these tools at UNAM, and
establishing relationships with and between those researchers and students who
currently use and would like to use these tools.
About Visual Numerics Products
- PV-WAVE® is an array-based programming language used to build and deploy
Visual Data Analysis applications.
- TS-WAVE™ is the time series analysis component of the PV-WAVE® Family. It is
often used for telemetry data gathering connected with satellites, flight
testing, and range tests.
- JWAVE™ is the PV-WAVE® Web Development Environment that allows users to
rapidly analyze and visualize critical information regardless of the platform.
- The IMSL libraries (FORTRAN, C/C++ and C#) are a comprehensive set of
mathematical and statistical functions that programmers can embed into their
software applications.
- The JMSL Library is a collection of mathematical, statistical, and charting
classes written in Java, providing the ability to create data analysis
applications. The JMSL Application Quick Start Pack includes a number of
useful demos and code for quick application development ideas.